
About the program

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander in Marine Science (ATSIMS) Program is a dedicated outreach initiative designed to provide First Nations Year 10 students in North Queensland with immersive opportunities in marine science, marine management, citizen science, and the stewardship of Sea Country.

Our program features a series of hands-on, experiential learning excursions, supported by leading reef conservation, science, and education entities in North Queensland, including the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS), the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA), and the Great Barrier Reef Foundation (GBRF).

The curriculum is delivered by a diverse array of industry leaders and experts and is bolstered by the involvement of Traditional Owners and Indigenous Land and Sea Ranger groups. This initiative aims to elevate active participation by First Nations peoples in conservation, management, and research decision-making roles related to Sea Country. By developing a pipeline of skilled and confident candidates, the program fosters future leaders in marine science and conservation.

Science Place at JCU Townsville (Bebegu Yumba)

Meet other participating ATSIMS scholars for the first time on campus and learn about the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park and Traditional Use of Marine Resources Agreements before diving into more detail with the Reef Education Team about some of the creatures we love and fear.

Field Trip to OIRS

Orpheus Island Research Station (OIRS)

Visit JCU’s unique Orpheus Island Research Station, and connect with Manbarra Traditional Owners, Sea Country, and one another. Participate in citizen science projects and be inspired by your experiences to get creative through different modes of art.

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Indigenous Land and Sea Rangers on Country

Engage with local Indigenous Land and Sea Ranger groups by immersing yourself within some of their key roles and responsibilities critical to maintaining and caring for Land and Sea Country.

Excursion to AIMS

Explore the National Sea Simulator and learn about the roles that support coral reef marine research. Discover how technology and robotics support research in a tour of the Cape Cleveland campus led by the Indigenous Partnerships team.

Program Graduation

Marine Aquaculture Research Facility Unit (MARFU), Indigenous Education Research Centre (IERC)

Visit the Indigenous Education Research Centre and draft your senior high school subject choices. After learning about the Marine Aquaculture Research Facility Unit, participate in a mini-practical in the Science Place laboratories. The concluding ceremony will celebrate your graduation from the program and our award recipients.

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