
Policy Academic Governance Coursework Enrolment Procedure

Coursework Enrolment Procedure


This procedure supports the Coursework Enrolment Policy by outlining the requirements of each enrolment activity.

This Procedure addresses Higher Education Standards Framework Standards 1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.3.4, 1.5.1 and 6.2.1.


This Procedure applies to all undergraduate and postgraduate students undertaking award and non-award coursework courses and programs across all JCU campuses and study centres, including 91勛圖厙 Singapore and 91勛圖厙 Brisbane. It includes candidates undertaking a research Award who enrol in coursework subjects as part of their research Award.


Except where otherwise indicated in this procedure, the definitions used in this procedure are found in the Policy Glossary or the Coursework Enrolment Policy.

Academic Calendars: calendars of dates and specific deadlines for each study period that students must be aware of to manage their enrolment. These important dates and the complete Academic Calendars are published on the Academic Calendars webpage.

Compulsory study period: applies to international students studying in Australia on a student visa:

  • Semester 1 and Semester 2
  • Trimester 1, Trimester 2 and Trimester 3 (Trimester 1S, Trimester 2, Trimester 3 in Singapore)
  • Block 1, Block 2, Block 3, Block 4, Block 5 and Block 6

Home Campus: a student is admitted to a course offered on a particular campus referred to as the Home Campus, with the exception of External attendance mode.

Home Campus Enrolments Team: the teams at the Townsville/Cairns, Singapore and Brisbane campuses responsible for administering the requirements of this procedure.

Last Date to Enrol: The last date to enrol in subject(s) without prior approval as specified in the Academic Calendar.

Listed Subjects and Courses:

  • List 1, 2 and 3 subjects: practical or professional based experience subjects with specific academic progression rules as nominated by the Academic Division.
  • List 4 courses: Identifies courses where specific rules apply in relation to Exclusion.

Major Study Period: the Major Study Periods at each campus are:

  • JCU Australian Tropical Campuses, 91勛圖厙 Brisbane & study centres: Semester 1, Semester 2, Trimester 1, Trimester 2 & Trimester 3, Block 1, Block 2, Block 2, Block 3, Block 4, Block 5 and Block 6
  • 91勛圖厙 Singapore (JCUS): Trimester 1S, Trimester 2 & Trimester 3

Official Academic Record: the official record of a student’s study at JCU. It details all approved credit, subjects studied, results, Grade Point Average (GPA) for each semester and the overall GPA.  If graduated, the record will also include the date an award was conferred.


1. Enrolment Requirements

1.1 In each year of enrolment, students are responsible for enrolling by the Last Date to Enrol for each study period in a selection of subjects that conform to the requirements of the Award to which they are admitted.

1.2 Students are not approved to enrol in subjects more than 5 University working days after the Last Date to Enrol for each study period.

1.3 Where a subject substitution is required and is not part of the course requirements as outlined in the Course and Subject Handbook, approval must be sought from the Course Coordinator.

1.4 Subject to Clause 1.2, students who wish to enrol after the Last Date to Enrol must contact the Home Campus Enrolment Team who will seek approval from the Subject Coordinator and enrol the student in the subject, if approved.

1.5 An enrolment after census date may only be considered if there are exceptional circumstances and can only be approved by the Deputy Director, Student Services, or Senior Director, Academic Services and Progressions JCUS, in consultation with the relevant College.

1.6 Where an approval for an enrolment after census date is given:

1.6.1 a domestic student must pay immediately upon enrolment the applicable full domestic tuition fees irrespective of whether they would have been eligible to be a Commonwealth supported student;

1.6.2 an international student must pay immediately upon enrolment the full international tuition fee.

1.7 A student may withdraw from a subject up until 14 days prior to the end of the study period (that is the commencement of the formal exam period for most study periods). The date of withdrawal will determine fee liability in accordance with the Student Fee Payments and Refunds Policy, and will impact the students’ Academic Record as follows:

1.7.1 On or up to Census date: the enrolment record is removed from the student’s Official Academic Record.

1.7.2 After Census date but up to and including the Last Date for Withdrawal without Academic Penalty: the enrolment record is recorded in the Student Management System with a status of Withdrawn (WD) but is not included in the students’ Official Academic Record.

1.7.3 After the Last Date for Withdrawal without Academic Penalty: the enrolment record is included in the student’s Official Academic Record with a withdrawn fail result (FW).

1.8 Students may not enrol in subjects they have previously passed unless the University requests them to do so to meet course completion requirements.

1.9 Additional enrolment requirements for international student visa holders studying in Australia or in Singapore:

1.9.1 International students must enrol full-time in each compulsory study period and 24 credit points in Australia and 36 credit points in Singapore (or more if in an accelerated study program) over an academic year to complete their course within the expected duration of their Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) or Student Contract, unless the Home Campus Enrolment Team: due to compassionate and compelling circumstances as defined by ESOS and the (National Code):

a) approves for an international student to enrol in a reduced load; or

b) approves a Leave of absence; or

c) approves an extension of the CoE; or confirms the international student can complete their course within their expected CoE duration through enrolment in non-compulsory study periods; or approves an extension of the CoE due to progression matters and after reviewing the study plan and consulting with the student; or confirms the international student is enrolled in their final study period and does not have the equivalent of full-time load remaining to complete their course.

1.9.2 For each compulsory study period, international students must enrol in at least one internal mode subject.

1.9.3 International students must not enrol in more than one third of the total credit points for their course where teaching is delivered by on-line or distance, unless it is a subject in their final study period and there is no internal mode availability offered.

1.9.4 Where the University identifies an  international student has not met their enrolment requirements, the Home Campus Enrolment team will contact the student to advise of the enrolment requirements.

1.9.5 If an international student does not follow the enrolment requirements advised under Clause 1.9.4, non-compliance may impact future requests for CoE extensions or leave of absence.

1.9.6 If an international student has no enrolment in a compulsory study period (unless the student has an approved leave of absence), or has not followed the enrolment requirements provided by the University, the Home Campus Enrolment team will send to the student’s JCU email a notification advising of: the intention to cancel the student’s enrolment after 20 University working days; and the right to review and appeal within 20 University working days in accordance with the Academic and Statutory Decisions Review and Appeal Procedure.

2. Administrative correction of enrolment

2.1 Students or staff members of the University may lodge a request for administrative correction of an enrolment (i.e. withdrawal of a subject) after Census date and up to 14 days prior to the end of the study period (that is the commencement of the formal exam period for most study periods)under the following circumstances:

2.1.1 a request for resolution of incorrect enrolment was submitted but not actioned by the relevant date; or

2.1.2 an error was made by the University in processing a student’s enrolment; or

2.1.3 documented evidence exists of academic or administrative advice that has resulted in a negative impact on a student’s ability to enrol, withdraw, undertake or complete a subject; or

2.1.4 an application for credit was approved under the Credit Transfer Procedure after the student enrolled; or

2.1.5 another reason consistent with applicable legislation and approved by the relevant Academic Head.

2.2 Requests for administrative correction must be submitted within 12 months of the date stipulated in the applicable clause under 2.1.

2.3 The Remission, Re-credit & Refund Officer for the University will ensure that the administrative correction meets legislative requirements and will process accordingly.

2.4 Students will be notified of the outcome within 40 University working days of receipt of the application or, if requested, within 40 University working days of any additional documentation being received.

2.5 A student’s lack of knowledge or understanding of the consequences of withdrawal after the census date and/or Last Date to Withdraw without Academic Penalty date is not sufficient reason to request an administrative correction of enrolment.

3. Study Load Requirements

3.1 A normal full-time study load for students studying at JCU’s Australian campuses in one academic year is 24 credit points, which is equivalent to 8 subjects per year) and part-time study load is generally less than 18 credit points in one academic year.  A normal full-time study load for students studying at 91勛圖厙 Singapore for one academic year is 36 credit points (12 subjects per year).

3.2 The recommended study load for subjects studied in one block study period is a maximum of 6 credit points.

3.3 A student wishing to enrol in greater than the normal full-time study load as outlined in clause 3.1:

3.3.1 and with a Course Grade Point Average (GPA) of 5.0 or higher, requires no approval; or

3.3.2 and with a Course Grade Point Average (GPA) of lower than 5.0 requires approval from the Course Coordinator (JCU Australia) or Academic Head (91勛圖厙 Singapore).

3.4 International students on a student visa (or Student Pass in Singapore) are expected to complete their program within the time given on their Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) or Student Contract (Singapore). Increasing study load for international students on a student visa is only allowed in special circumstances.

3.5 Students not meeting the requisite waiver requirements under clause 4.2 and wishing to enrol must contact the Home Campus Enrolment Team to seek approval from the Course Coordinator (JCU Australia) or Senior Director Academic Services and Progressions (91勛圖厙 Singapore).

3.6 A student is not permitted to undertake more than the required number of credit points to complete a course as outlined in the Course and Subject Handbook without the approval of the relevant College Dean.

3.7 The Home Campus Enrolment Team will advise the student of the outcome of any assessments made under clause 3.

4. Subject Requisites

4.1 To enrol in a subject with a requisite requirement as indicated in the Course and Subject Handbook a student must:

4.1.1 have completed, or be enrolled in any specified co-requisite subjects for a subject with a co-requisite requirement; or

4.1.2 have completed all pre-requisite subjects for a subject with a pre-requisite requirement; or

4.1.3 apply for a requisite waiver via eStudent to be considered by the relevant Academic Advisor or Course Coordinator (JCU Australia) or Academic Head (91勛圖厙 Singapore).  If approved:

a) before the Last Date to Enrol Online, the Home Campus Enrolment Team will advise the student of the waiver approval and the student is responsible for enrolling in the subject; or

b) after the Last Date to Enrol Online, the Home Campus Enrolment Team will enrol the student in the subject for which the waiver was requested and communicate this to the student.

4.2 A student applying for a requisite waiver must:

4.2.1 demonstrate they have sufficient knowledge to successfully complete the subject they are seeking the waiver for; or

4.2.2 provide other compelling circumstances as to why the requisite waiver is required.

4.3 A student cannot apply for a requisite waiver if the student has previously failed the pre-requisite for the requisite waiver subject.

4.4 A student who is enrolled in a subject on the assumption that they will pass the pre-requisite before commencement, but then fails the pre-requisite subject, will have their enrolment in the subject withdrawn. The student may enrol in a different subject under clauses 1.2 and 1.3.

4.5 Unless otherwise specified in the Course and Subject Handbook a student cannot enrol in a subject or be given credit where they have successfully completed another subject that is listed as an anti-requisite.

5. Professional Experience

5.1 Where a course includes prescribed professional or clinical placements, students may be required to undertake such placements away from the campus at which they are enrolled at their own expense.

5.2 Students may be required to be interviewed, in accordance with the Review of a Student’s Suitability to Continue a Course Involving Placement, to assess their suitability to undertake, or to continue in, a professional or clinical placement.

5.3 Students will be required to ensure all Placement Requirements as outlined in the Course and Subject Handbook are adhered to in accordance with the Professional Experience Placement Requirements Procedure.

5.4 Students who fail to comply with Placement Requirements in accordance with the Professional Experience Placement Requirements Procedure may be withdrawn from their subjects and discontinued from their course.

6. Leave of Absence

6.1 A student may only be approved for a Leave of Absence if they incurred Study Load in the course from which they want a Leave of Absence. If Study Load has not been incurred, a student must instead apply to defer under the Admissions Policy.

6.2 A student may take a break from study without approval for up to 12 months unless clause 6.3 applies. A student taking a break from study can:

6.2.1 enrol in subjects in a future study period; or

6.2.2 continue their leave under clause 6.2; or

6.2.3 apply for a Leave of Absence under clause 6.3.

6.3 A student must apply and receive approval for a Leave of Absence if:

6.3.1 the student is admitted into a course listed in Appendix 1 – Specified Courses; and/or

6.3.2 the student wishes to take a leave of absence of longer than 12 months and the Course and Subject Handbook permits this; and/or

6.3.3 the student is studying on a student visa, or

6.3.4 the student is studying at the Singapore campus, and is absent for greater than one week’s duration during the study period of enrolment.

6.4 To apply for a Leave of Absence, a student must submit a Leave of Absence form.

6.5 The Home Campus Enrolment Team will review the application and will take the following action:

6.5.1 if the student is undertaking a course listed in Appendix 1 – Specified Courses, seek approval from the Course Coordinator (JCU Australia) or Senior Director Academic Services and Progressions (91勛圖厙 Singapore); and/or

6.5.2 if the student is studying on a student visa in Australia, seek approval from the Manager, Academic Administration and Enrolment that there is evidence of Compassionate and Compelling Circumstances, which would generally be significant, beyond the student's control and have an impact on the student's course progress and wellbeing.

6.6 The Home Campus Enrolment Team (JCU Australia) or Student Support Team (91勛圖厙 Singapore) will notify the student of the outcome of their Leave of Absence application.

6.7 Where a Leave of Absence application is not approved the student is required to continue study in the course for which they requested leave or consider discontinuation in accordance with clause 7 of this procedure.

6.8 Taking a break from study, including an approved leave of absence, is counted as a period of enrolment when determining the maximum time to complete dates.

6.9 A student taking an approved Leave of Absence under clause 6.3 can:

6.9.1 enrol in subjects which commence after the return date of their approved Leave of Absence; or

6.9.2 apply for a further Leave of Absence under clause 6.3.

6.10 If students do not incur Study Load in the next Major Study Period after taking a break from study or an approved leave of absence, their period of no study will be counted under clause 7 for discontinuation.

6.11 The University may place an administrative Leave of Absence onto a student record after advising the student.

7. Discontinuation from a course

7.1 A student may request to discontinue their course admission at any time by completing the Request to Discontinue from Course form.

7.2 A student who requests to discontinue their course admission will be withdrawn from all currently enrolled subjects, and will no longer be considered a student of the University.

7.3 Except where a student is on an approved Leave of Absence for a period of more than 12 months, a student who has not incurred Study Load for a continuous period of 12 months will be discontinued from their course admission after the Census date of the following Major Study Period.

7.4 A student’s online access will be modified if clauses 7.2 and 7.3 are enacted, under the ICT Access and Account Management Procedure.

8.  Return to study in an excluded course

8.1 A student who is excluded from their course of study is not eligible to re-enrol or be re-admitted in the course of study from which they are excluded unless:

8.1.1 a period of two (2) years has elapsed from the date of the academic exclusion, and

8.1.2 the course is not listed in List 4 of the Listed Subjects and Courses

8.2 A student meeting the requirements under 8.1 must submit a Variation to Study Application (JCU Australia) or email Manager, Enrolments (91勛圖厙 Singapore) who will assess if the student meets the current entry requirements for the course.

8.3 The application should include a written statement and evidence that:

8.3.1 The circumstances that caused the unsatisfactory academic performance have been resolved sufficiently and will no longer hinder studies; and

8.3.2 All Professional Experience Placement Requirements have been met and will no longer prevent placement; and

8.3.3 Provide a reasonable demonstration that steps have been taken to ensure there is the ability to handle the rigors of study; and

8.3.4 Demonstrate awareness of the financial and academic implications of study.

8.4 If entry requirements are met, Home Campus Enrolment Team will contact the College Dean who has final approval of the  return to study application.

8.5 An outcome of the variation to study application will be emailed to the student’s JCU email address, and personal email address if supplied, and a copy stored on the student record.

9. Return to Study where not previously excluded – Australian Domestic Students Only

9.1 A domestic student who has discontinued admission to their course may apply to return to study in the same course (with the offering determined as outlined in Clause 9.5) if they meet the following criteria:

9.1.1 the student can complete the professional practice requirements of the course and has not previously been administratively discontinued as a result of the Review of a Student’s Suitability to Continue a Course Involving Placement Policy;

9.1.2 the course is not listed in Clause 15.3 of the Admissions Procedure;

9.1.3 the course or major is available to take new Offers; and

9.1.4 the student does not have a current exclusion under the Student Code of Conduct or Academic Progression Policy; and

9.1.5 there are no outstanding Sanctions in place that prevent admission or enrolment.

9.2 An eligible student seeking to return to study must submit the relevant application, by the published due date as specified in the Academic Calendar, as follows:

9.2.1 if the student is a domestic student from a course listed in Clause 15.3 of the Admissions Procedure, the student must apply for re-admission through QTAC to re-commence; or

9.2.2 if the student is a domestic student from a course not listed in Clause 15.3 of the Admissions Procedure or requesting a course different to that previously studied, the student must apply for admission in accordance with the Admissions Policy; or

9.2.3 if the student is a domestic student wishing to re-commence a course not previously completed (that is not listed in  Clause 15.3 of the Admissions Procedure, the student must submit a Return to Study form; or

9.2.4 if the student is an international student, the student must re-apply for admission under the Admissions Policy.

9.3 The Home Campus Enrolment Team will assess the application:

9.3.1 to ensure the student meets the eligibility requirements under Clause 8.1; and

9.3.2 reassess any credit previously granted under the Credit Transfer Procedure; and

9.3.3 seek advice from the Course Coordinator if the student is required to repeat subjects which had been completed before the interruption of the course, and/or to undertake additional work to demonstrate current competencies or to comply with current course requirements; and

9.3.4 assess the student is a genuine student and academically suited to continue study by reviewing:

a) if the student meets the current Course and Subject Handbook Admission Requirements for the course the student is applying for; and

b) the student’s JCU academic record for any unsatisfactory academic performance; and

c) the student’s record of course engagement and participation in assessment activities.

9.4 A student may be deemed academically unsuitable to return to study if they no longer meet the current entry requirements and/or there is no evidence indicating prior unsatisfactory academic performance will not continue.

9.5 The Team Leaders, International Admissions and Domestic Admissions will determine an application outcome and if the application is approved a student will:

9.5.1 be re-admitted to the same course offering in which they originally commenced where it has been assessed that the student is able to complete without an extension to the maximum time to complete; or

9.5.2 be transferred to a later course offering where it has been assessed that the student is unable to complete the course without an extension of the maximum time to complete date.

9.6 Upon returning to the same course, the Academic Status at the time of the prior withdrawal will be the commencing Academic Status.

9.7 If a student is Commonwealth Supported and required to repeat a subject under clause 9.3.3, in accordance with the , subsection 36-15(2) the student will not be eligible to receive Commonwealth Support for the subject. In these cases, students must pay full tuition fees.

9.8 An outcome of the return to study application will be emailed to the student’s JCU email address, and personal email address if supplied, and a copy stored on the student record.

10. Administrative withdrawal and restricted enrolment status

10.1 Before census date or upon result release date a student may be identified by a University staff member as not engaging sufficiently with their studies as the student has not;

10.1.1 submitted their first piece of assessment; and/or

10.1.2 engaged with Learn JCU materials; and/or

10.1.3 responded to communication from the University; and/or

10.1.4 attended mandatory classes; and/or

10.1.5 attended class as per requirements under ESOS for International students; and/or

10.1.6 engaged in studies during their previous study period’s enrolment.

10.2 Upon notification to the Home Campus Enrolments team the University will contact the student a minimum of 3 times through either phone call, email or text.

10.3 If no response is received, the student will be notified that their current or future subject enrolment will be administratively withdrawn prior to census date.

10.4 A Restricted Enrolment Sanction will be placed on the student’s record to prevent further subject enrolment or study plan amendment until the student contacts the University and provides confirmation of their academic commitment to their studies.

10.5 If confirmation of academic commitment is approved the Home Campus Enrolment team will remove the Restricted Enrolment Sanction from the student record.

Related policy instruments

Coursework Enrolment Policy

Course Transfer Procedure

Credit Transfer Procedure

Outbound Mobility Procedure

Academic and Student Sub-delegations Register (staff only)

Defence Force, National Service and Elite Athlete Friendly University Procedure

Course and Subject Handbook

Review of a Student’s Suitability to Continue a Course Involving Placement Policy

Domestic Student Fee Payments and Refunds Procedure

International Tuition Fee Payments and Refunds Procedure

Student Code of Conduct

Academic Progression Policy

Unsatisfactory Academic Performance Procedure

Maximum Time to Complete Procedure

Student Special Circumstances Policy

Student Fee Payments and Refunds Policy

Academic and Statutory Decisions Review and Appeal Procedure

Variation to Study Application form

Academic Calendars

Key dates explained


Appendix 1 – Credit Management Responsibilities

Appendix 1 - Specified Courses

Listed Subjects and Courses


NOTE:  Printed copies of this procedure are uncontrolled, and currency can only be assured at the time of printing.

Approval Details

Policy DomainAcademic Governance

Policy Sub-domain

Student Experience

Policy Custodian

Deputy Vice Chancellor, Education

Approval Authority

Academic Board

Date for next Major Review


Revision History


Approval date

Implementation date



24-1.1NA15/07/2024Administrative amendment to definitions for Compulsory study period and Major study period incorporating new nomenclature, replacing reference to the term Study Period with Semester or Block.Director, Student Services; Manager, Curriculum and Accreditation
24-129/05/202431/05/2024Review to incorporate legislative changes and information for international students to enable the disestablishment of the Enrolment Requirements for International Student Visa-Holders Policy.Manager, Academic Administration and Enrolment
23-1 27/02/2023 27/02/2023 Clause 3 removed (Withdrawal after Academic Penalty Date due to Special Circumstances) – now covered by Student Special Circumstances Policy suite. Deputy Director, Student Services
22-2 28/06/2022 29/07/2022 Clauses 1.4 and 1.5 added addressing enrolment after census date. Subsequent clauses renumbered.

Deputy Director, Student Services




Addition of requirements regarding:

  • return to study in a course with an academic exclusion,
  • assessment for low completion rate
  • clarification Leave of Absence, requisite waivers, subject enrolment

Deputy Director, Student Services




Additional information added – clauses 3 – 3.5 Withdrawal without Academic Penalty due to Special Circumstances

Manager, Student Facing Policy




Administrative amendment to correct error in clause 5.1.3 and 5.2 (Course Coordinator is the delegate, not the Subject Coordinator, as per the Delegations Register)

Manager, Academic Administration and Enrolment




Established to support the new Coursework Enrolment Policy.

Associate Director, Enrolment and Client Services

Contact person

Manager, Academic Administration and Enrolment


LOA, leave of absence, AWOL, discontinuation, requisite, transfer, academic exclusion, low completion rate