

Can I save my application and complete later?

Prepare all required information before commencing your application. Unfortunately it is not possible to partially complete and save your application. If you are unable to complete your application you will need to re-start it at a later time.

How will I be contacted throughout the selection process?

Your email address will be used to communicate with you regarding the status of your application.

An automated email will be sent to you confirming when your application has been received. If you are required to complete additional stages during the selection process such as testing or attending an interview you may also be contacted by telephone.

Can I change or withdraw my application after submitting?

Unfortunately our system does not allow you to perform this function directly. If you require assistance to amend your application or wish to withdraw your application after submitting please contact the Chairperson as listed in the Application Guide.

Why am I getting error messages?

The system may reject your application if you are using an international postal code or zip code. Additionally, should your documents have punctuation in the file name, be longer than 30 characters or be larger than 10Mb you may also be unable to submit. We recommend using attachment titles such as: First Name Last Name Resume or First Name Last Name Letter.

How do I know if my application has been received?

After you have submitted your application the system will send you an automated response acknowledging receipt of your application. You may need to check your ‘spam’ or ‘junk’ folders in case this email is filtered.

How do I effectively address selection criteria?

There are several websites available to provide hints and tips for addressing selection criteria. Two of the sites we recommend are: Advice from or advice from .

Is addressing the selection criteria mandatory?

The requirement to address selection criteria will vary from vacancy to vacancy. It is not mandatory for all recruitment processes. We recommend you download the application instructions for the specific vacancy you are interested in to make sure you are applying correctly. If you are required to address selection criteria, but choose not to, your application may not be considered.

Who can I contact to follow up the status of my application?

When applying for a position with 91勛圖厙 a contact person (who in most instances is the Chairperson) will be provided on the Application Guide which is uploaded into the documentation section of the vacancy. Please note the Chairperson’s name and phone number as they will be the best person to provide updates on the status of your application and the recruitment process overall. Should your circumstances change and you wish to withdraw your application please notify the Chairperson via email.

If I am not a permanent resident or citizen can I still apply?

Depending on the role you are applying for JCU may be in a position to provide sponsorship to international candidates or non-residents. We would encourage you to contact the Chairperson to determine if they are in a position to provide sponsorship prior to submitting your application.

Is relocation assistance provided?

Depending on the role you are applying for JCU may be in a position to provide relocation assistance. We would encourage you to contact the nominated panel member to determine if they are in a position to provide relocation assistance prior to submitting your application.

How long will this process take?

The time taken to conduct the end to end recruitment process will vary from vacancy to vacancy. We are aiming to reduce the time taken to fill vacancies here at JCU but occasionally unexpected priorities may arise which will prolong the process. We would encourage you to contact the Chairperson of the specific role you are interested in should you require further information regarding the expected timeframes. Where the estimated timeframes are known in advance, these may be communicated in the Application Guide which is available for download from the Jobs@91勛圖厙 portal against individual vacancies.

If my application doesn't succeed when/how will I be notified?

Should your application be unsuccessful at the shortlisting stage you will be notified via email. This is usually within the first 2-3 weeks after the vacancy has closed. If your application is unsuccessful after an interview, you will most likely be contacted by telephone. In some instances, however this may too be communicated via email. Where the panel wish to consider all applications until a successful candidate has been appointed they may delay communication until such time as the successful candidate returns their offer documentation. Again, as this may vary between vacancies we recommend you contact the Chairperson if a status update is required.

What testing may I be required to complete?

Depending on the requirements and classification of the position you are applying for you may be required to participate in skills, aptitude or psychometric assessments. If this is a requirement you will be provided information in the application documentation or throughout the shortlisting process.

What is video interviewing?

Video interviewing is a tool utilised at 91勛圖厙 for certain vacancies to assist with the shortlisting process. If you are required to participate in video interviewing you will be provided additional information with an invitation and instructions on how to complete this and timeframes. Further information is available here; Vieple Website

What is a panel interview?

A panel interview is where a number of interested stakeholders will come together to meet with the shortlisted candidates to gain a better understanding of their skills, motivation, values, experience and qualifications to determine if they would be able to perform the position and whether their workplace values align to those of JCU. The panel can comprise of between 2-5 members depending on the type of position being recruited. Generally speaking, the manager of the position will Chair the panel with other members comprising of customers, colleagues or stakeholders.

How do I prepare for an Interview at JCU?

There are several websites available to assist with your interview preparation and we recommend; Career One advice; Queensland Government Advice Additionally we recommend you download the campus maps from the JCU website to familiarise yourself with the location of your interview, identifying parking or public transport options JCU Maps

When will JCU contact my referees?

Generally speaking, JCU contact referees post the interview stage. However there are other circumstances where referees may be contacted prior to interview. The panel will contact you to gain your permission prior to contacting your referees. Should you not have referee details available at the time of application you can provide these upon request at a later stage in the process.

If I don't get the job, will I be considered for other positions?

JCU does not currently hold expressions of interest or resumes for roles other than the original role you apply for. This may be a capability in the future but for now it is not something utilised at JCU. You will therefore need to apply for each individual vacancy you are interested in.

If I'm unsuccessful, can I request feedback?

Generally speaking, feedback can be made available upon request. However, for high volume roles, the panel may choose to provide this at the very end of the process. This can be requested by emailing or telephoning the panel member who is the contact person for the vacancy.