
Eddie Koiki Mabo Lecture Series

Eddie Mabo was a staff member at JCU, working as a groundsman from 1967 to 1971. From 1973-1983 he established and became director of the Black Community School in Townsville. During this time he enrolled as a student and studied teaching at the College of Advanced Education, which later amalgamated with JCU. It was through his association with JCU humanities and education staff, Professor Henry Reynolds and Associate Professor Noel Loos, that Eddie became interested in who owned the land on which his people lived, and in Native Title.

Eddie Mabo's legal pursuit of these issues resulted in one of the most significant legal cases in Australian history, in that it completely overturned the idea of terra nullius (land belonging to no-one) and challenged traditionally held beliefs about how Australia came into being, and about ownership of land. On 3 June 1992, six of seven Australian High Court judges ruled: The Meriam people are entitled as against the whole world to possession, occupation, use and enjoyment of the lands of the Murray Islands [in Torres Strait].

For many at JCU, the landmark legal decision has been rendered personal, as well as political and historic, because of Eddie's important association with JCU staff and students, and with our surrounding communities.

Mabo Day occurs annually in Australia on 3rd June. It commemorates  (1936-1992), a Torres Strait Islander whose campaign for Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander land rights led to a landmark decision in the High Court of Australia on 3rd June 1992 that overturned the legal fiction of terra nullius, which had characterised Australian law with respect to land and title since the voyage of Captain James Cook in 1770.

JCU celebrates the history-making Mabo decision with the long established Eddie Koiki Mabo Lecture Series, an annual public commemorative presentation by a prominent person who has made a significant contribution to contemporary Australian society.

The Voice: How the Final Co-Design Report Enables an Effective Design for Indigenous Advice to the Parliament and Executive Government

Tom Calma (2023) The Voice: How the Final Co-Design Report Enables an Effective Design for Indigenous Advice to the Parliament and Executive Government. Eddie Koiki Mabo Lecture Series. 91勛圖厙, Townsville, QLD, Australia