
List of Collections in Special Collections

Collection Title

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North Queensland Collection

Library Catalogue

North Queensland Newspapers

Library Catalogue


List by Title

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Library Archives

List of , partially listed in and

North Queensland Ephemera

Library Catalogue

North Queensland Photographic Collection

is one example of the many albums within this collection awaiting digitisation.

More than half of this collection is available for viewing in the Helen Mays Reading Room


NQ Oral History Collection

A dedicated finding aid can be accessed locally with the assistance of staff.

NQ Maps

Library Catalogue

Rare Books Collection

Library Catalogue

Shaw Collection of Australian Art & Culture

Library Catalogue

Sir Charles Maurice Yonge Collection

Rare book component listed in Library Catalogue

Unpublished materials component to be listed in as Sir Charles Maurice Yonge Collection Archive

Bragge Collection

The Bragge Collection features two intimately connected components - more than 600 material culture artefacts collected by Laurie Bragge during the time he lived and worked in Papua New Guinea, and the extensive personal library he amassed containing various resources, which he used extensively when writing his multi-volume history of the Sepik.

See the record in NQHeritage@JCU

Library component held in JCU Library Cairns

Material Culture collection held by JCU Anthropology

JCU Art Collection

A dedicated finding aid can be accessed locally with the assistance of staff.