
Apply for Credit for Previous Study

Applying for credit for formal learning (previous study) or informal/non-formal learning (e.g. work experience) can help you complete your course in a shorter timeframe and save on overall course fees.

With the exception of those applicants listed below, you can apply for a credit assessment at any time. We recommend you do so before the closing due date of your first study period at JCU.  If we don’t receive your application by the closing due date your application will be assessed for the following study period:

  • Future international students who do not have an Offer at JCU need to submit a course application. Once you have done this you can submit an application for credit.
  • Applicants in Bachelor of Veterinary Science, Bachelor of Dental Surgery or Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery, cannot apply for credit until you have received an Offer into the respective course.
  • Bachelor of Social Work/Master of Social Work for your first placement, submit a completed Recognition of Prior Learning form, found on the  page, to the Field Placement Coordinator.

Please see our Course and Subject Handbook which will provide you with details on how much credit you may be eligible to receive for your chosen JCU course, plus any other course eligibility rules or restrictions.

Formal Learning is part of a structured program that leads to the full or partial achievement of an officially accredited qualification undertaken at a tertiary institution (e.g., a university, TAFE, or private college).

In most cases credit for formal study can only be assessed if the courses/subjects were completed in the last 10 years. In some cases this time limit is less and you should check the Course and Subject Handbook for your chosen JCU course to ensure your prior study was within the appropriate time limit.

Some formal study is pre-approved and you can use our  to view current articulation agreements and precedents. If you are unable to find any credit listed in the calculator, continue with your application for an individual assessment.

If transferring credit from another institution, you must provide a completed Credit Transfer Subject Equivalence Form accompanied by supporting documentation as outlined below:

  • an Official Academic Transcript (ensure it is in English, including details of the grading system, and that a password is not required to access the documents); and
  • a detailed course/qualification outline showing the sequence of units studied in terms of core (compulsory) and any optional (elective, major or specialisation) units; and
  • detailed unit/subject outlines that include learning outcomes for the year you completed the unit/subject (knowledge, skills and performance/assessment criteria) in a PDF format if weblinks are not supplied within your Credit Transfer Equivalence Form.

Sometimes JCU may require further information and will contact you if needed. Any information you consider relevant, may be uploaded as supporting documentation in the areas provided within the Online Credit Application. All supporting documentation must be exact copies of your originals and written in English.

Informal Learning is gained through work, social, family, hobby or leisure activities and experiences. Informal Learning is not organised or externally structured in terms of objectives, time or learning support.

Non-formal Learning takes place through a structured program of learning but does not lead to an officially accredited qualification.

If applying for credit based on informal/non-formal learning you will need to provide a completed Informal/Non-Formal Learning Profile Form accompanied by relevant supporting documentation which may include but is not limited to:

  • Statements of Attainment, Attendance or Participation
  • Schedules, clinical or service hour log
  • Professional or trade memberships/registrations
  • Industry awards/prizes
  • Resume or Curriculum Vitae (CV) - Accompanied by a statutory declaration stating that the information contained in your resume/CV is a true and accurate record of your experience.
  • Evidence of non-formal learning (e.g. certificates, licenses, tickets)
  • A portfolio of documents used/developed in the workplace (for example, reports, projects, published work)
  • This must contain:

    • Company letterhead and organisational contact details
    • Date of issue
    • Detail duties, responsibilities and length of service in full or part-time capacity
    • Identify the name or qualifications and signature of the authorised person. Master of Guidance and Counselling applications must include a ‘Statement of Service’ from employer/s, as supporting documentation.

Sometimes JCU may require further information and will contact you if this is the case. Any information you consider relevant may be uploaded as supporting documentation in the areas provided within the Online Credit Application. All supporting documentation must be exact copies of your originals and written in English.

Closing dates outlined in the Academic Calendars are set to allow sufficient time to process your application and provide enough time to modify your subject selection if necessary. We strongly recommend you lodge your application at least four weeks prior to the commencement of the study period in which the subject you are seeking credit for is offered.

If your application is not received by the closing date listed in the Academic Calendars your application will be assessed for the following study period.

Complete the relevant credit application form and attach appropriate supporting documents, including the Credit Transfer Subject Equivalence Form and/or Informal/Non Formal Learning Profile Form:

If you are a current JCU student, the outcome will be emailed to your JCU student account within 20 University working days of receipt of a complete application. If you are not a JCU student we will provide an outcome to your supplied email account.

Incomplete applications will not be assessed until all outstanding information is provided. 20 working days commences from receipt of final documentation. Incomplete applications may be withdrawn due to non-communication or lengthy response times.

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